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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
 Prof. Dr. med. Rosch / Prof. Dr. med. Koeditz  •  Music & Brain – Medical Perspective
Here only a few examples:
Cardiovascular System
Chil­dren with high blood pres­sure due to auto­nomic nerv­ous sys­tem dis­tur­bances showed al­ready af­ter five weeks of regu­lar treat­ment with MRT-Mu­sic® a nor­mal blood pres­sure (8). Simi­lar re­sults were ob­served in other pa­tient groups, for in­stance in high-risk preg­nant women with high blood pres­sure (9).
Hor­mone and im­mune sys­tem,
car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem, meta­bolic sys­tem
Often within two weeks of regu­lar treat­ment with MRT-Mu­sic® at high risk preg­nant women ex­peri­enced a nor­mali­sa­tion of dif­fer­ent dis­turbed func­tions: too high stress hor­mone lev­els re­duced to nor­mal, the much too low preg­nancy hor­mone pro­ges­ter­one dou­bled to nor­mal, the weak im­mune sys­tem re­cov­ered strongly, the meta­bolic dis­or­der of gesto­ses re­duced sub­stan­tially, the heart ac­tiv­ity of the fetus left the dan­ger zone and in con­se­quence to all of this, the rate of pre­ma­ture births re­duced by half (9).
Mus­cu­lar sys­tem, rhyth­mi­cal sys­tem, pain sys­tem
Women dur­ing de­livery with an ini­tial in­er­tia in the uterus de­vel­oped up to 70% more strength in uter­ine con­trac­tions while lis­ten­ing to MRT-Mu­sic®. At the same time, the rhythm of the con­trac­tions be­came more har­mo­ni­ous. They also re­ported sig­nifi­cantly re­duced pain, which also had con­se­quences on the en­dor­phin lev­els. Preg­nant women regu­larly treated with MRT-Mu­sic® for sev­eral month be­fore de­livery not only short­ened their labour time (on av­er­age by 1-2 hours in com­pari­son to those who did not lis­ten to MRT-Mu­sic); they also felt the move­ments of their ba­bies in the womb more force­fully 3-4 weeks ear­lier (9).

An in­ter­est­ing in­di­ca­tion, that such im­prove­ments are es­sen­tially de­signed by a har­moni­sa­tion of emo­tion is, that the MMPI-test (Min­ne­sota Mul­ti­pha­sic In­ven­tory) in its scales 1, 2 and 7 shows an im­prove­ment of the psy­cho­logi­cal func­tions by 68% and that at risk preg­nant women could free them­selves from de­pres­sive states al­most com­pletely (9).
Nerv­ous sys­tem
A fur­ther in­di­ca­tion comes from a pilot pro­ject with mul­tiple scle­ro­ses pa­tients. On the one hand they ex­peri­enced through MRT-Mu­sic® an in­ten­sive stimu­la­tion of such posi­tive emo­tional quali­ties as trust, love, thank­ful­ness, in­ner peace, se­cu­rity, care­less­ness, crea­tiv­ity, joy of life and hap­pi­ness; but on the other hand they also had un­com­fort­able ex­peri­ences of the past come back to their minds, which often lay as far as 30 years back, and were lived through again with an in­ner dis­tance – in a kind of in­ner pu­ri­fi­ca­tion. Af­ter 4 weeks of treat­ment the physio­logi­cal meas­ure­ments showed an im­prove­ment in the speed of nerve con­duc­tion, in its peak value by 27 mil­li­sec­onds (10). The pa­tients were so sat­is­fied with ef­fects of MRT-Mu­sic®, that all of them con­tin­ued the treat­ment at home, af­ter leav­ing the hos­pi­tal.

This proc­ess­ing of un­com­fort­able ex­peri­ences (11) may be of great value. As stress medi­cine could show, emo­tion­ally over-board­ing ex­peri­ences get writ­ten down in our long term mem­ory and, via the way of as­so­cia­tion, may start the stress re­ac­tion over and over again – even in situa­tions that look only simi­lar, but in re­al­ity are in com­plete mis­pro­por­tion to the ac­tual threat (12). This has ad­verse con­se­quences for health.

If, by an in­ten­sive mu­si­cal har­moni­sa­tion of the emo­tional world, such an over-judge­ment of stress ex­peri­ences in the brain is re­duced to a healthy meas­ure, then this proves to be one of the most im­por­tant steps of treat­ment in stress medi­cine. It also speaks to the in­ves­ti­ga­tions on the ef­fect of MRT-Mu­sic® in MS-pa­tients and pa­tients with neu­roder­ma­titis, who ex­peri­enced a sig­nifi­cant and last­ing re­duc­tion of their dis­or­ders (13), such as the im­pulse to scratch, ex­tent of sick­ness, etc.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 940 Cardiac and Circulatory Disorders
Cardiac &
Circulatory Disorders

If you like to look at the complete program,
if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please click on the CD-cover above.

If you click on the title, it will lead you to the
scientific research.

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
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