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peter huebner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


Research Fields in Detail

Dispersion of Stress







Mental State

Release of Stress



Multiple Sclerosis





Release of Psycho-Physiological Manifestations of Stress in Older Patients with Atherosclerotic Encephalopathy

Under investigation were 25 men and women at the age of 50 – 70 years with a beginning atherosclerotic encephalopathy.

The patients were treated with both relaxing and activating Medical Resonance Therapy Music®. There were 10 treatments in total, each treatment lasting from 10 to 30 minutes. Starting with a habituation phase of 10 min­utes the treatment was expanded step by step up to 30 minutes. During the first three treat­ments relaxing MRT-Music® was given, in the following four treatments the patients received activating MRT-Music; during the last three treatments they received in the first 10 min­utes relaxing and in the following 20 minutes activating MRT-Music®.

During the whole time of treatment with Medi­cal Resonance Therapy Music® the patients did not receive any medication effecting the central nervous system.


The patients experienced very often a deep muscular relaxation combined with a sen­sa­tion of warmth and with ease and sleepiness. Furthermore the symptoms “bad mood“, “leth­argy“, “tension“ and “touchiness“ were sig­nifi­cantly reduced or even completely released. Over and over again they reported of a re­lease of stress, of the acquisition of distance from unpleasant things, the experience of gentleness, inner peace, a kind of freedom from care and a spiritual state of mind.



Prof. Dr. med. A. Reznikov
Prof. Dr. med. G. Butenko
Dr. med. N. Bachinskaya
Dr. med. S. Litovchenko

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
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