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Periodic Duration

Pain Sensitivity

Activity Rhythms

Cosmic Rhythms

Endogenous Rhythms

Three Way Structure

Muscular Rhythms

Pain Wave Rhythms

Circulation & Respiration

Puls Breath Frequency

Rhythms in Sleep

Therapeutic Changes

Inhalation & Heart Period

Mother & Child

Heart & Arterial Oscillation

Phase Coordination

Walk & Heart Rhythm

Breathing & Heart Rhythm

Autonomic Rhythm

Hierarchy of Rhythms

Spontaneous Rhythms

Muscular Blood Circulation

Healing & Resistance

Spontaneous Rhythms





Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Hildebrandt  • Chronobiological Aspects of Music Physiology

When try­ing to graphi­cally il­lus­trate the in­ter­ac­tion of these long wave rhythms in the or­gan­ism, there are four dif­fer­ently shaded el­lip­ses in il­lus­tra­tion 5 which com­pletely as­sert them­selves in the field of the faster rhyth­mic proc­esses, and so form a com­plex mi­lieu for all faster rhyth­mic func­tions in the spec­trum, in which all func­tions are modu­lated ac­cord­ing to cos­mic laws and con­di­tions.

Illustration 5

Dia­gram of the in­ter­ac­tion of the cos­mic de­ter­mined long wave rhythms in hu­mans. In the area un­der­neath the day rhythm all func­tions are af­fected by all four rhythms.

(According to HILDEBRANDT 1986)

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL
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