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Periodic Duration

Pain Sensitivity

Activity Rhythms

Cosmic Rhythms

Endogenous Rhythms

Three Way Structure

Muscular Rhythms

Pain Wave Rhythms

Circulation & Respiration

Puls Breath Frequency

Rhythms in Sleep

Therapeutic Changes

Inhalation & Heart Period

Mother & Child

Heart & Arterial Oscillation

Phase Coordination

Walk & Heart Rhythm

Breathing & Heart Rhythm

Autonomic Rhythm

Hierarchy of Rhythms

Spontaneous Rhythms

Muscular Blood Circulation

Healing & Resistance

Spontaneous Rhythms





Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Hildebrandt  • Chronobiological Aspects of Music Physiology

Fi­nally, let us out­line one fur­ther mu­si­cal as­pect of rhyth­mic func­tional or­der in hu­mans. On the one hand, we were in­deed able to show that the fea­tures of a mu­si­cal-har­monic or­der can be par­ticu­larly in­ten­si­fied, when a per­son is sleep­ing. The stricter or­der of fre­quen­cies and phases of rhyth­mic func­tions and a si­mul­ta­ne­ous re­duc­tion to few spon­ta­ne­ous ba­sic rhythms are ob­vi­ously an im­por­tant pre­con­di­tion for noc­tur­nal rest and re­gen­era­tion, as har­monic co-act­ing of all par­tial func­tions re­duce the en­er­getic de­mands to a mini­mum.

On the other hand, how­ever, ac­tiv­ity and de­mands on bod­ily func­tions dur­ing the day lead to this har­monic or­der dis­solv­ing and/or split­ting up. This, how­ever, hap­pens in the three func­tional ar­eas of the spec­trum – as has al­ready been shown – in en­tirely dif­fer­ent ways (cf. il­lus­tra­tion 20). In the area of the more com­plex meta­bolic rhythms, each rhyth­mic func­tion has a whole se­ries of pre-set har­monic fre­quency bands, in which the func­tions change into – de­pend­ing on the de­mands put on them. From a mu­si­cal point of view this is a se­ries of over­tones and/or un­der­tones.

These rhythms in the meta­bolic area which are rich in over­tones face rhyth­mic func­tions in the in­for­ma­tion sys­tem which show their level of ac­tiv­ity through glid­ing fre­quency modu­la­tions, with­out pre­fer­ring cer­tain fre­quen­cies or let­ting them os­cil­late at the same time. These are, as it were, rhythms which are poor in over­tones. And, on the other hand, in the av­er­age area of the res­pi­ra­tory and cir­cu­la­tory rhythms these two quali­ties of polar op­po­sites pene­trate each other.

If this anal­ogy is per­mit­ted, one could as­sume an or­ches­tra-like or­gani­za­tion in the bio­logi­cal tem­po­ral struc­ture of hu­mans un­der the point of view of the tone color of vari­ous in­stru­ments. The wood­wind play­ers, poor in over­tones, would be clas­si­fied un­der the in­for­ma­tion sys­tem, the brass play­ers and per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, rich in over­tones, un­der the meta­bolic mo­bile sys­tem. The stringed in­stru­ments, very change­able in their tone color, would be in the cen­ter as a bal­ance be­tween the ex­tremes.

Ac­tu­ally, such clas­si­fi­ca­tions have al­ready been un­der­taken by e.g. BUEHLER (1976) and KOENIG (1969), fol­low­ing STEINER (1969) who had al­ready char­ac­ter­ized hu­mans as an or­ches­tra.

The in­ves­ti­ga­tion of the whole tem­po­ral or­gani­za­tion in hu­mans makes it clear that, be­sides the men­tioned ef­fects for all ba­sic ele­ments in mu­sic, ade­quate func­tional fea­tures can be found. Their con­sid­era­tion will con­sid­era­bly ex­pand the points of view and ques­tion­ing of mu­sic physi­ol­ogy and mu­sic ther­apy, as they are raised also by pro­fes­sional rhyth­mics. The me­thodi­cal pre­con­di­tions re­lat­ing to this have al­ready been stud­ied to a large ex­tent in mod­ern chro­no­bi­ol­ogy.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Sleep Disorders

RRR 106 Sleep Disorders

Listening Program:
Neurophysiological & Sensory Disorders

RRR 941 Neurophysiological and Sensory Disorders

If you like to look at the complete program,
if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please click on the CD-cover above.

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scientific research.


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